Supply Chain Accelerator
To further growth in UK Offshore Wind, simultaneous investment in onshore and coastal infrastructure is vital. While Offshore Wind electrici…
Strengthening Morgan Sindall Infastructures Presence in the Overhead Line Sector
National Grid has awarded Morgan Sindall Infrastructure the Necton overhead line (OHL) contract, located in the Breckland district of mid-No…
New Great British Energy partnership launched to turbocharge energy independence
Prime Minister and Energy Secretary announce first major partnership between Great British Energy and The Crown Estate to unleash billions o…
Nuclear plant's buildings to be demolished
Eight buildings once used to generate power at a nuclear plant are due to be demolished. Sellafield has been given permission by Cumberland …
Hutchinson Engineering Hosted Launch of GB Energy
Hutchinson is proud to have hosted the British Prime Minister at our Widnes facility for the significant announcement regarding Great Britis…
ILI files planning application for Balliemeanoch PSH project in Scotland
To be built on the freshwater body Loch Awe in Argyll and Bute, the Scottish pumped storage hydropower facility is expected to have a capaci…
A guide to the key players shaping the Labour government’s policy
Who will be making the important decisions in government affecting the construction industry? Daniel Gayne finds out Source: Number 10/Flic…
First govt cash lands for £100m Eden Project Morecambe
Lancaster City Council has received the first £2.5m of the £50m the UK government pledged towards unlocking the immersive visitor attraction…
The King's Speech 2024
My Lords and Members of the House of Commons, My Government will govern in service to the country. My Government’s legislative programme wil…
Planning and energy measures among first-term legislation
Planning reform and legislation to help unlock investment in energy infrastructure are among measures announced in the 2024 king’s speech to…
United Utilities names consultants
Three firms of consulting engineers have been chosen by United Utilities to support its projects for the upcoming asset management period. …
Labour to launch state-owned Great British Energy with £8.3bn market intervention
Labour is advancing its ambitious plan to establish a state-owned energy company, Great British Energy, supported by £8.3bn of taxpayer fund…