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First in a Generation Nuclear Energy

For the first time in 30 years, the U.S. is delivering new electrical capacity to the grid from Vogtle Unit 3, using nuclear technology – enough to power millions of homes and businesses once Unit 4 comes online later this year. A Bechtel team at Plant Vogtle in Waynesboro, Georgia helped achieve this milestone that demonstrates to the U.K that the world’s best nuclear technology can be delivered to provide energy security to significantly drive down emissions. Combined, Vogtle Units 1-4 will generate more carbon-free electricity yearly than any other energy facility currently operating in the States.

Bechtel a global engineering company and a leader within the nuclear industry, with expertise spanning more than 150 nuclear plants worldwide, was contracted to complete construction on Units 3&4 at Vogtle in 2017.

Vogtle offers a clear vision of what’s possible in new nuclear in the U.K. Critical to the delivery of new nuclear projects, as with any mega-project, is the engagement of an experienced master builder. Bechtel is excited to by the prospect of bringing this learning, in partnership with local supply chains, and under the programmatic leadership of GB Nuclear, to ensure that nuclear is 25% of the power mix by 2050.

Statement from Brendan Bechtel.

“We are extremely proud of Bechtel’s part in achieving this milestone. Our team has been 100 percent committed to Vogtle’s completion since being brought in to finish the project.

“Today’s start of commercial operations for Vogtle Unit 3 gives the Southeast a major new source of clean, reliable, carbon-free baseload energy. And, as the first new nuclear unit built in the U.S. in more than 30 years, it helps put America back on the map as a leader in the global nuclear industry.

“Bechtel has supported the design and construction of 150 nuclear plants worldwide. We know firsthand how Vogtle Units 3 and 4 go a long way in restoring America’s muscle memory in nuclear construction, including the workforce and domestic supply chains required to build America’s largest nuclear power plant. Vogtle Unit 3 comes online at a pivotal time when energy security concerns and the need to cut carbon emissions are driving growth in the world’s nuclear fleet.

“Plant Vogtle will generate more carbon-free electricity yearly than any other energy facility currently operating in the country. Its completion reinforces that the United States is the responsible partner of choice for new nuclear energy around the world, and maintains U.S. interests in ensuring strong safety, security, and non-proliferation standards. This is why Vogtle’s impact is much bigger than a single project.

“Thank you to the thousands of skilled craft professionals, union partners, engineers, project managers, procurement experts, suppliers, subcontractors, and everyone who made this day possible. And thank you to Georgia Power and Southern Nuclear for the opportunity to bring this project over the finish line. We look forward to doing the same with Unit 4 in the coming months.”