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Depollution: Veolia and Cyclife Join Forces to Revolutionise Asbestos Waste Management – working with the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Depollution: Veolia and Cyclife Join Forces to

Revolutionise Asbestos Waste Management –

working with the UK Nuclear Decommissioning


● With over 50-years of combined experience, the partnership is poised to redefine

industry standards for efficiency, safety, and environmental stewardship

● The first phase of the contract, spanning 18-months and £4 million, will cover R&D,

design and business case development

Oxford 5 August 2024 — In an agreement poised to redefine asbestos waste management

within the nuclear industry, Veolia Nuclear Solutions UK, Cyclife UK, and Waste2Glass (a

Veolia and EDF joint venture specialising in thermal waste treatment) have joined forces to

form AminTech.

This alliance has secured a £4 million contract named the Asbestos Innovation Partnership

(AIP) from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to collaborate with Nuclear Waste

Services (NWS).

The NDA group is tasked with decommissioning the UK’s oldest nuclear sites safely,

securely, and cost-effectively. Given the age of these facilities, large quantities of

radiologically contaminated asbestos waste must be managed and they are leading the

development of pioneering solutions.

Nuclear Waste Services (NWS) is responsible for managing radiologically contaminated

asbestos wastes across the NDA estate. It will now oversee the delivery of the AIP and look

at how legacy and future waste is managed in the most sustainable and efficient way,

utilising innovation and technology development.

During Phase 1 (R&D) of the contract, spanning 18-months, AminTech will undertake

research and development, conceptual design, and business case development for an

asbestos processing plant to treat radiologically contaminated asbestos and Asbestos




Containing Material (ACM). The AIP marks a critical milestone in addressing the pressing

challenge of managing asbestos and ACM within UK nuclear decommissioning programmes.

"This partnership is a significant step forward in our collective ability to tackle complex waste

management challenges in the nuclear sector, one of the priorities of Veolia's Green Up

strategic plan which aims to accelerate ecological transformation through innovation," said

Christine Lucas, Chief Executive Officer at Veolia Nuclear Solutions.

"By harnessing our combined expertise, innovative technologies, and commitment to

sustainability, AminTech is poised to deliver a transformative solution that maximises value

for the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority while advancing environmental stewardship."

Cyclife CEO Estelle Desroches commented “We are delighted to be supporting this

important research programme through our UK subsidiary and our existing joint venture with

Veolia, (Waste2Glass) which brings Cyclife’s deep experience of waste treatment to this

innovation partnership with the NDA.

This confidence in our long-standing commitment to a sustainable vision of waste treatment

gives the opportunity to offer ground-breaking innovations to meet the challenges facing our

industry. The combination of Veolia's technologies and Cyclife's experience in radioactive

waste is a key asset in the development of innovative waste management routes.”

AminTech integrates advanced processes and technology from industry leaders Veolia,

Cyclife, and Waste2Glass to enhance waste treatment. By leveraging the expertise of these

partners, AminTech offers comprehensive solutions for transforming hazardous wastes into

safer forms whilst also optimising recycling. This collaborative approach represents a

significant advancement in radioactive waste treatment practices.

The AIP- will test and develop new solutions to treat asbestos, that if successful, will help to

deliver efficiencies and drive effective waste management through greater application of the

waste hierarchy.

NDA Chief Commercial and Business Development Officer Emma Ferguson-Gould, said:

“The development of the innovation partnership for the management of asbestos

waste is a huge milestone for the NDA group and is equally beneficial for the delivery

of NDA's mission and for the enhanced value this will deliver for the UK taxpayer.

“Delivering this milestone highlights the benefits of working as one NDA group and

our collective enduring commitment to our critical mission. I would like to extend my

personal thanks and congratulations to everyone involved in bringing this to life.”


NWS Director of Strategy and Integrated Waste Management, Paul Tuohy, said:


“We see enormous opportunities to better manage asbestos waste across the NDA


“By establishing the AIP we will work with the private sector to develop new and

innovative treatment solutions, accelerating hazard reduction and realising significant

cost savings. It is just one example of the collaborative working required to deliver



our Integrated Waste Management strategy, in partnership with NDA Sellafield, NRS

and our supply chain.”

About Veolia Nuclear Solutions:

Veolia Nuclear Solutions (VNS) is part of Veolia Group which designs and provides water,

waste and energy management solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of

communities and industries. VNS specialises in providing workable solutions for complex

nuclear challenges.

About Cyclife UK:

Cyclife UK is a subsidiary of EDF, the world's largest nuclear operator, dedicated to

providing sustainable and innovative solutions for nuclear decommissioning and radioactive

waste management.

About Waste2Glass:

Waste2Glass is a joint venture created by Veolia and EDF, specialising in thermal waste

treatment and sustainable solutions for the nuclear industry.


Communications Director

Veolia Nuclear Solutions

Valerie Bielstein

Communications Director


Jerome Langlais
