Bidding starts for £1bn YORcivil major works deal
Procurement body YORhub has started tendering for its second-generation civil engineering major works framework covering Yorkshire, Humber and the East Midlands.
Eight firms will be awarded places on the YORcivil Major Works 2 contractor framework, which will be used to deliver projects valued over £10m.
Existing incumbents fighting to renew their places include: Balfour Beatty, Galliford Try, Graham, Sisk, Keltbray Rail, Morgan Sindall, Tarmac/Farrans and Tilbury Douglas.
Projects delivered under the framework will cover an array of civil engineering works, bridge/ structure works, highway surfacing works, coastal works and flood alleviation works.
Applications are due in by 18 May with the framework due to commence in November this year.
For further bid information click here.
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