How to maximise your membership with BECBC: seven key steps
By Liz Bowe, BECBC Member Opportunity Consultant BECBC (Britain's Energy Coast Business Cluster) is a thriving business community offering …
Read PostBy Liz Bowe, BECBC Member Opportunity Consultant BECBC (Britain's Energy Coast Business Cluster) is a thriving business community offering …
Read PostHarrison Network is sorry to announce the retirement of one of its most influential and most respected Associates, Mark Hurley. “Mark has w…
The aftermath of COVID-19 brought a wave of change and adaptation for businesses. As the UK labour market fluctuated, vacancies hit record …
Are we missing talent that is right under our noses? During a recent meeting, one of the subjects under discussion was the problem of recrui…
In October 2023, we moved from Lancashire to West Cumbria, along with our two dogs, we also relocated our recruitment business. For the latt…
Being responsible for any team can at times be challenging, especially if the team isn’t performing as they should be! Do you know how to ge…
10th of June was my first day self-employed and the start of my first week in BECBC. I attended 2 events – the BECBC / NNA Framing Nuclear O…
Last week Friday 14 June 24, I had the pleasure of attending my first BECBC (Britain's Energy Coast Business Cluster) Professional Services …
What does your organisational chart look like? What does it say to your team and your stakeholders? Many look very similar whether it’s a fl…
Volunteering has been a huge part of my life and career & this week is volunteering week so what else could this blog be about? From som…
Yesterday I gave a presentation at the Harnessing Robotics and AI for Challenging Environments event with RAICo, I was asked to provide some…
I’ve been attending (and enjoying) BECBC sector group meetings since 2011 when I took a role in external Business Development (my company, N…
I don’t know about you but I find each week has a bit of a theme, conversations about one subject with totally different people and business…