Yesterday's BECBC Member Meeting was themed on Collaboration, a word that is easily used but not so easily put into action! It provided me w…
Read PostYesterday's BECBC Member Meeting was themed on Collaboration, a word that is easily used but not so easily put into action! It provided me w…
Read PostCo-Lab Engineering has teamed up with an innovative start-up; Technology Consortia Cumbria, to develop Compact Hydro Energy Devices (CHEDs).…
Business leaders, educators, and young people are being invited to learn about ‘Leading with Purpose’ in the next Masterclass organised by t…
So you think you know what social impact is? Ok, hand on heart, I think I know what it is, but I’m aware that each of us has a different co…
Looking to reskill or upskill your workforce in low carbon Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Digital Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 a…
If quiet quitting is a form of 'working to rule', 'working to a wage' or simply following orders, are we retrenching back to a more basic fo…
To some extent all times are uncertain and challenging, but at the moment we’re seeing food prices rising at their fastest pace in nearly 15…
Is quiet quitting really such a bad thing, what role do bonuses play and did COVID and remote working increase quiet quitting? If quiet qui…
When it comes to wellbeing most organisations operate a 'guess who strategy' Over the last 5 years I have witnessed many organisations inve…
A number of years ago I read 'Moments of Truth' by Jan Carlzon and was blown away by the simplicity and ingenuity of his approach to leaders…
Prima Uno has secured a five year Commercial and Project Controls Framework at Atomic Weapons Establishment. AWE plays a crucial role in nuc…
by Callum Thomas, CEO of Thomas Thor At Thomas Thor, we speak with thousands of people either looking for career moves within the nuclear se…
After some great feedback on our prototypes, Innova Learning Ltd (a team of 11 nucleargraduates) is proud to announce that Innovabox Space w…